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L'ESWC a annoncé 3 nouveaux jeux comme disciplines officielles et TrackMania² Stadium en fait partie.
Découvrez le communiqué publié sur Facebook par l'ESWC :
"Nous sommes très heureux de confirmer aujourd'hui la présence de 3 titres supplémentaires à l'ESWC 2013:
- Dota 2 sur PC (5v5), © Valve Software
- EA SPORTS FIFA sur PS3 (1v1), © EA Sports
- TrackMania² Stadium sur PC (1v4), © Nadeo Ubisoft
Les champions en titre possèdent d'ores et déjà le droit de participer et de venir défendre leurs trophées au Paris Games Week: L'équipe Natus Vincere d'Ukraine à Dota 2, Bruce 'Spank' Grannec, à domicile pour FIFA 14 (qui sera très certainement la version retenue), ainsi que Tim 'Spam' Lunenburg des Pays-Bas et Kasperi 'Klovni' Aaltonen de Finlande, pour TrackMania.
Tous les autres prétendants, en France comme à travers le monde, devront obtenir leur qualification dans des épreuves préliminaires dont les modalités seront présentées très prochainement (semaine du 20 mai)."
Spam (Champion ESWC 2012 sur TMNF) et Klovni (Champion ESWC 2012 sur TM2C) seront invités pour TrackMania.
Les modalités concernant les qualifications seront annoncées dans 15 jours.
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Remember a long time ago, fights between tmu/tmn players and endless debates (trolling?)
Eswc have taken the right decision imo. Tm needs to be stronger with one and only game entirely supported by a cohesive community. Stadium has always been designed specially for eswc since 2006! Canyon players should support it now even if they don't play it
But one of the main argument here is that stadium is on ESWC since 2006... that might be the poorest though, and i half agree with all canyon players when they say it's also maybe time to change...
The best comment here to me, is maybe the Marius' one.
About all environments tournaments...
So i see already people coming and screaming "saying this, you proove you don't know shit about esport".
But i remember united leagues, and they were players, and skill, and teams on every single race, no matter of the environment. And it brang much suspens and interest in those leagues...
So why not in an offline tournament?
At least i hope Shootmania players won't get into a war to make their environment getting to be "the only one competitive" on our lame exemple...
It's a sad war of words here...
As many said it's one same community, we should be able to debate without fighting...
My comment is surely not ending on a solution to all this, but i would like people to open their minds to otherss way of thinking.
TrackMania needs a single environment, very identifiable, to represent the game in eSports. Stadium has always been, and probably always will be, that environment.
Aesthetically Stadium is more accessible. Every other environment can be identified with some specific place in the world: the American southwest, Holland, China, the Pacific Islands, the Mediterranean region, etc. But Stadium is well... a Stadium. It could be almost anywhere in the world. And so it feels like a truly international environment, representing all cultures and nationalities. This is, to me, one of the reasons it feels so fitting to represent TrackMania in the eSport world. TrackMania is an international game, and it's primary environment should put across that message, however subliminally that message is.
I think Canyon can be extremely fun to spectate. I think Rally, Island, Coast, Bay, Snow, and Desert, are also extremely fun to spectate. I've spectated many United League matches that were nailbitingly close races. And I've seen the same driver perform at a very high level on multiple environments in the same league. Now that's really impressive. Are these environments suited for eSport? Yes, I believe they are. Will promoting them in eSport all at the same time be good for TrackMania's reputation in eSport? No, I believe it wouldn't.
If TrackMania were big, and I mean... REALLY big, then maybe it could sustain multiple environments in eSports. But even then, I'm not so sure it would be a good idea. People need a single game/title/environment to gather around and push it really hard and far. Stadium has the infrastructure and legacy within the community to do that already. ESWC made the right choice here.
If you play all environments you are representing all cultures and nationalities as well, though.
But just because Canyon is my favorite doesn't mean I can't take a step back and see the bigger picture.
Sometimes we have to acknowledge that what is best for the future of the game does not always fall in line with our own personal desires.