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L'ESWC a annoncé 3 nouveaux jeux comme disciplines officielles et TrackMania² Stadium en fait partie.
Découvrez le communiqué publié sur Facebook par l'ESWC :
"Nous sommes très heureux de confirmer aujourd'hui la présence de 3 titres supplémentaires à l'ESWC 2013:
- Dota 2 sur PC (5v5), © Valve Software
- EA SPORTS FIFA sur PS3 (1v1), © EA Sports
- TrackMania² Stadium sur PC (1v4), © Nadeo Ubisoft
Les champions en titre possèdent d'ores et déjà le droit de participer et de venir défendre leurs trophées au Paris Games Week: L'équipe Natus Vincere d'Ukraine à Dota 2, Bruce 'Spank' Grannec, à domicile pour FIFA 14 (qui sera très certainement la version retenue), ainsi que Tim 'Spam' Lunenburg des Pays-Bas et Kasperi 'Klovni' Aaltonen de Finlande, pour TrackMania.
Tous les autres prétendants, en France comme à travers le monde, devront obtenir leur qualification dans des épreuves préliminaires dont les modalités seront présentées très prochainement (semaine du 20 mai)."
Spam (Champion ESWC 2012 sur TMNF) et Klovni (Champion ESWC 2012 sur TM2C) seront invités pour TrackMania.
Les modalités concernant les qualifications seront annoncées dans 15 jours.
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The TrackMania community need to be happy to have one game at the ESWC. Some other community don't have this chance.
#12 Let's hope they can fix most of those issues before ESWC idd
Gogo klovni!
I could ask the same question concerning the question why they choose TM2S instead of TM2C.
Just follow the news on mA about Canyon and Stadium, we can see more motivated people on Stadium. Stadium is free and have more people but the community need to work together if it want to grow.
I don't really understand what you guys mean when you say Canyon would be better suited game for this. Sure, it's decent, but I think many have the opinion that Stadium got better depth to it and is more interesting/more suited as an esports that way. It also has many more players, and in addition the quality of the players is much better. One could also argue that the game got better aesthetics among other things. Take this from someone who's played both games at the highest level.
But perhaps most importantly is that Stadium is now 7 years old and has built up quite a esports-legacy with 7 different world champions over the years. I strongly believe it's much better to continue that legacy that's been built up and just focus on 1 title; it doesn't make sense at all to tear it down... This is for example what Valve realized and are now attempting to do with CS GO, and their situation really is quite similar to ours if you think about it. Another example would be Blizzard and Starcraft where they tried really hard to make WoL a worthy successor to BW (which was a staple in esports for over 10 years), and then make HotS a worthy successor to WoL, to continue the same legacy throughout all the games. And look at where they are now.
I don't think it makes sense for TrackMania games to compete with each-other when it comes to representing TrackMania in esports based on all this. No one will gain anything by it - there's now proof of it; It is a lose-lose situation and this has been the case ever since Canyon got released which has put us in quite a bad place to be honest. That's the reality we live in. For me this is the obvious right choice.
Now, like ArtiShöw said the game is far from ready at the moment, and I really hope Nadeo will prioritize the game to fix all those things. Right now TMNF is still the superior game which really is not ideal. You want people to easily switch over the new game, otherwise you risk splitting the community even more than it already is.
Tartopome: what are the chances of you guys using a different game mode for ESWC? I think the current Cup Mode is really bad. I write a bit about why I think so, and what could replace it in this topic: http://forum.maniaplanet.com/viewtopic.php?f=470&t=17609
Would be great if you could take a look at it and say what you think!
At the moment, I hope both games die.. I'll not continue in one of them most likely.. let's try SM
If we look at this in an objective way, ESWC have now picked the most popular TrackMania environment, which has been the most popular esport environment since the very beginning. And of course the stadium people will love this because it opens up for more prize money, more player spots and so forth. It surely is sad for those who like Canyon better, but you have to understand that you are on the "wrong" side of trackmania when it comes to popularity and successful history within e-sport.
Today there is the ESL Spring cup #1.. 32/32 allowed players are inscribed, 12 unconfirmed ==> ideal proof no?
anyway, stadium has more activity in the servers, but it's for sure less exciting than canyon.
Now for further opinions, I would agree with the updates there still need to be done to the game before the event in oktober.
A great example of this gameplay wise would be ofcourse the option to disable the lighting and shadows like artishow mentioned above. I would love to see the ESL cupmode being used for once in a offline event and see how this works out.
Thats it from me have fun and see you in Paris :)
So happy about this....as spam said hope so see the updates and the esl cupmode for the event
"But now, when I see that most of TMC players on this topic are like "OMG TAKE MY GAME, TMNF IS BAAAAD", yes I'm happy.
i see only one... so dont say that all Canyon players are haters now.
So i want to say something too.
Maybe the Stadium drivers, specially frost, can explain me why stadium is better for the esport as canyon ?!? Only coz Stadium have more active players? yes its true. But stadium have still the same worldclass drivers on each cup. or not ? In the last 2 Years we saw so many great finals in every Canyon cup... different lines = same speed, no landing,rammstein,-whatever Bug, what had decided the round.
So for me, is canyon the better envi to watch for the public guys. I just remember the eswc 2012 canyon final for example.
Next think is: Sure the esl cup mode is more fair for the players, but the normal cup mode is more exciting for the viewers... thats the fact!
i have the same opinion, that just one envi its the best choice! And for me ,it was clear, that it is Stadium... because its the newest envi in MP ;)
"We have at the moment only 3 top teams on Canyon and it's not enough."
wtf ?!? why you talk about teams, when we discuss here about a solo cup...
At least, we can be happy, that TM is still one of the most popular racing game. We will see what nadeo make with canyon in the future, when they dont sponsoring it now, its a dead game on the esport.
Hmm if you've played both games long enough you wouldn't have asked this question...
Well you can say this about pretty much every game
That's just your opinion, not a fact
#35 all player canyon dont hate stadium. For me, i follow and watch tournament stadium.it s not because one player like: tmnf is bad. It s the drama. It s just a point of view
#36 +1
Then there are more player in stadium,its true. But In eswc there are 16 slots last years, if its the same, these slots will be complet with great player. Don t need 100 good players for a lan.
#37 it s not because there are more team that there are more viewer... There are maximum 10 player in a team of tm. In eswc tm player represent 1/400 viewer , so for me it s not an argument.
Congratulations Laurens!, thanks to this sentence you are now ranked as #1 on Hylis' blacklist just in front of frostBeule and me :D