Nadeo présent en force à la Gamers Assembly - ManiaActu - News for TrackMania, ShootMania, and QuestMania
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Jusqu’à maintenant la Gamers Assembly avait annoncé un tournoi ShootMania Elite 16 slots et un tournoi TrackMania All Edition 50 slots pour les titres de Nadeo. Bien que le tournoi SM ait été pris d’assaut, le tournoi TM a visiblement du mal à attirer les foules.

Pour galvaniser les joueurs et les motiver encore plus à venir participer, Nadeo sort le grand jeu et fait le plein d’annonces fracassantes.

Toute d’abord, le nombre et la taille des tournois sont considérablement revu à la hausse. Ce ne sont pas moins de 6 tournois qui seront proposé sur les titres de Nadeo :

  • Un tournoi ShootMania Elite de 24 équipes
  • Un tournoi ShootMania Royal de 32 joueurs
  • Un tournoi TrackMania² Canyon de 24 joueurs et...
  • Un tournoi TrackMania² Stadium de 24 joueurs !

A ceci s’ajoutent un tournoi ShootMania Joust et un tournoi TrackMania United Forever dans la zone ManiaPlanet !

Les détails relatifs à chaque tournois tel que les règlements, packmap, planning vont arriver très prochainement afin que vous puissiez vous organiser.
A noter que TrackMania² Stadium sera présenté pour la première fois au grand public en compétition, encore une bonne raison de ne pas manquer cette GA.

Mais soyons fou, pourquoi s’arrêter là ? J’ai envie de vous parler des dotations. Elles ne sont pas encore annoncées complètement, mais une première partie (et pas des moindres) est dévoilée : les vainqueurs des 4 tournois principaux repartiront avec un PC Gamer Alienware X-51 (d’une valeur d’environ 1209€) ! Alors satisfait ?

Vous en voulez encore ? Et si je vous dis que Nadeo organisera pour la toute première fois le ManiaGala? Un nouvel événement ManiaPlanet axé sur l’esprit créatif et fun de nos jeux et ouvert à tous ! A découvrir : des modes de jeu créés par la communauté, des maps inhabituelles, nos mini games favoris, bref, un contenu riche et varié. Tout le monde est le bienvenu ! Des récompenses et des médailles seront distribuées aux participants et aux gagnants.

Et si avec tout cela vous hésitez encore à vous inscrire, il me reste encore ceci à vous dire : une scène entièrement dédié à l’univers ManiaPlanet sera accessible aux joueurs pour assister aux plus gros matchs TrackMania et ShootMania, mais aussi :

  • Des matchs Nadeo vs les joueurs
  • Une table ronde avec Hylis (le directeur du studio Nadeo) et avec les joueurs, sur le développement des jeux ManiaPlanet
  • Un focus sur les modes de jeux créés par les joueurs
  • La retransmission des IPL6 en direct de Las Vegas
  • Remise des médailles du ManiaGala
  • Plus de surprises en préparation

La fin du monde est passée, vous n'aurez plus d'excuses pour ne pas venir vous éclater avec nous, dépêchez-vous de vous inscrire sur le site de la Gamers Assembly, les places sont comptées!!!

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>> Commentaires de l'article

#1 par oNio sur 21/02/2013 à 13:33
And with one booom, i decided to go there too...
#2 par Laurens sur 21/02/2013 à 13:35
Well, this is the biggest news I've heard since ESWC. Keep on the great work!
#3 par Tona sur 21/02/2013 à 13:40
Nice news !
#4 par frostBeule sur 21/02/2013 à 13:42 Modifié 21/02/2013 à 13:43
That's pretty good news, I mainly expected a focus on ShootMania. Still curious when the TM² Stadium open beta will start though, since I know some players (from Dignitas) are already playing the game, which is of course not fair competitively.

And can't understand why Canyon will be equally supported, but oh well.

#5 par Laurens sur 21/02/2013 à 13:48
Well frostBeule, everyone knows your "hate" of canyon. I didn't ask to express that again. It's an awesome game and you should respect it too, it could be as popular as TMNF. Which it defenetely was at ESWC if I look to the crowd! It's not because you don't like the game that it can't be equal supported!
#6 par frostBeule sur 21/02/2013 à 13:56
#5 I don't hate Canyon, stop saying that please.

I just don't think it's wise to divide the games like this. I think we would have a much better future in esports if we just used 1 game that we all stood behind - this is not rocket science. I think this was shown with the success of Nations, and what happened when Canyon was released (which was not pretty). To continue equally supporting Canyon when almost no one is playing the game anymore and most of the esports organizations are still found in Nations makes little sense to me.

#7 par Jonthekiller sur 21/02/2013 à 14:01
For the GA, the objective is to make a big ManiaPlanet fiesta and all TM need to be represented.
#8 par frostBeule sur 21/02/2013 à 14:04 Modifié 21/02/2013 à 14:05
#7 I don't question that every game can be represented. What I am saying is to have more esports-focus on just 1 TrackMania title.
#9 par oNio sur 21/02/2013 à 14:16
Indeed its quite strange that, if thats true story, some Digni Players are allowed to play that game allready :/
#10 par Spam sur 21/02/2013 à 14:29
Cu @ LAN stadium 2 is really nice, great to see it picked up already!
#11 par DVD sur 21/02/2013 à 14:38
Nice! Awesome game in an awesome Lan! :)
#12 par TheM sur 21/02/2013 à 17:19
#4 + #9 : I highly doubt that there are already people playing on TM2 Stadium (except from NADEO).
#13 par frostBeule sur 21/02/2013 à 18:15
#12 Dignitas players Bergie Carl Jr and Spam have confirmed they have at least tried the game (Spam does it 2 posts above you).
#14 par Minato sur 21/02/2013 à 18:23
I think we would have a much better future in esports if we just used 1 game that we all stood behind

Trackmania 2 IS only 1 game...

#15 par Gaétan sur 21/02/2013 à 18:28
Waw, it's juste incredible !
#16 par rom42 sur 21/02/2013 à 18:59
On the Gamers Assembly's website Trackmania 2 Stadium is not quoted, unlike TMNF, TMUF and TM2 - Canyon. It seems opposing informations are running...

I wondered about TM2-Stadium being released or not before the GA. It seems a bit short from now, considering i didn't heared about an advanced beta... Would they make the players drive the GA Tournament with a beta version? On their own PCs? It seems weird...

#14: But Nadeo said the opposite: from now each environment becomes a full game...

#17 par frostBeule sur 21/02/2013 à 21:01 Modifié 21/02/2013 à 21:04
#14 I understand some people got that point of view, but I think Nations was independent enough that it was possible to call it 1 game. And I think that format suits esports better, so for me it only makes sense to continue on that path. Now, I'm personally not sure that's what TrackMania² will represent. I kinda worry Stadium will just be another environment among the others (and maybe not even free). Hopefully not though.

#16 that's an old news. This is the news that matters:

#18 par Arni sur 21/02/2013 à 21:07
#16 The GA website seems to be out of date :)
#19 par rom42 sur 21/02/2013 à 22:06
Thanks for the correction.

frostBeule, your opinion makes sense for somebody who prefers stadium, but the business-model of TMNF is in crisis (see the freezones)... And if Nadeo sticks with stadium in e-sports, they kill all the future environments... But that's those future environments that will feed them. Stadium already had a pretty decent lifetime and is not dead already, and the history has to go ahead... I think one can't blame Nadeo of highlighting new environments, whether or not we like them.

#20 par frostBeule sur 22/02/2013 à 15:29 Modifié 22/02/2013 à 15:58
frostBeule, your opinion makes sense for somebody who prefers stadium, but the business-model of TMNF is in crisis (see the freezones)...

I don't agree that Stadium was doing poorly which is what I think you are hinting at here. I believe it did Nadeo a lot of good, and I think they earned a lot of money with it too (through advertisements, but also with people buying United-keys). I also think it had a big part in Ubisoft now backing them too. It definitely was (and STILL is) their biggest success and most popular game, and I definitely think it can be that in the future too.
So to me it doesn't make sense to look away from that, and that's why it's great to see TM² Stadium be announced. (Although I'm a bit concerned it will just be a copy-paste of Nations. It needs new content and a lot of work on it to have it be successful, otherwise people will just go back to Nations.)

And if Nadeo sticks with stadium in e-sports, they kill all the future environments... But that's those future environments that will feed them.

The reason why they should stick with Stadium is because it has been shown in other games that a good model for esports is to continue on the same path. Just look at Counter Strike as an example, or StarCraft: There's a reason why HotS will look and act very similar to WoL - It's about continuing the legacy.
And I don't think sticking to Stadium in esports will kill all their other environments. I think they can actually benefit from it; just like United benefited from the success of Nations. So I think they should both do what I think is best when it comes to esports – which is to continue the legacy by further supporting and developing Stadium - and also make their other new and different environments, just don't have them compete with Stadium as an esport. I think that's the best way of handling it all.

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