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UF1R GP championship

Nom UF1R GP championship
Site Internet www.ultimatef1racing.com
Stream et VODs Streams et VOD à propos de cette émission
Description Our Grand Prix racing laps championship on Trackmania, where we've made versions of real-life racing circuits for the game. Sammy is our 4 time champion, but faces stiff competition from the likes of his long-time nemesis Roy, Edster(Yours truly), and Iron. All the while, they've got to rely on their much slower teammates to help them win the constructors championship. Races typically start at 9:00 AM GMT, are 300 KM in length, and take approximately 1 hour to complete. Video highlights are made by Edster and put onto Youtube and Tm-tube usually a week or so after the race. We are experimenting with Livestreaming on Twitch TV at the moment.
Membres Edster