Le futur de TM2 et de Valley chez ET - ManiaActu - News for TrackMania, ShootMania, and QuestMania
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Electronic Tournaments vient d'annoncer son planning pour le reste de l'année en cours et début 2014. Comme prévu, Valley sera largement intégré dans les compétitions et Canyon continuera d'être joué. La structure est aussi en recherche continue maps et de joueurs qui souhaiteraient s'impliquer dans l'organisation de tournois, surtout pour Trackmania Nations Forever.

Lire la news originale sur le site d'ET.

"Bonjour à tous,
Finalement nous avons décidé du futur de TM2 et de Valley chez ET et nous sommes fiers d'annoncer les tournois à venir après les deux Giant Cup en cours :

a) Après la pause estivale, notre première compétition sera la Valley Team Championship. Ce sera une ligue en 3vs3 jouée uniquement sur l'environnement Valley, mais raccourcie par rapport à une saison normale de TWL. Le module d'upload de maps d'ET est prêt pour vos maps VTC !

b) La TM2 World League (TWL) tout comme la TM2 Formula ET (TFET) resteront, comme promis, des compétitions couvrant tous les nouveaux environnements. Valley sera donc ajouté à ces deux compétitions. Du point de vue d'ET, Stadium n'est pas un nouvel environnement et ne sera donc pas intégré aux TWL et TFET.

c) La TWL3 sera lancée après la courte saison de VTC et sera similaire à la structure de l'UL10, ayant des matchs allers et retours, donc vous affronterez chaque équipe une fois sur Canyon et une fois sur Valley, mais il n'y aura pas besoin de changer de serveur ou de title pendant un match.

d) En parallèle de la TWL3, il y aura deux ligues 1vs1, qui seront respectivement Canyon only et Valley only, et jouées sur les mêmes maps que la TWL. Les joueurs qui n'ont qu'un des deux environnements pourront jouer ces ligues comme un extrait du mappack de la TWL.

e) La TFET3 prendra place après la pause de Noël, et contiendra Canyon et Valley.

f) Les compétitions Stadium comme la NC et la STC resteront pour l'instant sous TMN Forever et nous considérerons une possible migration vers TM2 en 2014. La date de lancement de la prochaine saison doit encore être définie. Aussi, nous somes toujours à la recherche d'admins TMN motivés pour gérer les compétitions Stadium. N'hésitez pas à envoyer une candidature par e-mail ou MP (en anglais, s'il vous plait).

Nous avons hâte d'organiser ces nouvelles ligues et nous nous souhaitons un très bon été !
L'équipe d'ET

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#1 par infarctus sur 12/07/2013 à 11:42
in my opinion, it is really really a pitty that you do not integrate Stadium on your multi environment events.
That was for me and for several players the only way to play a bit of this awesome environment...I mean, at our multi skill level. Since all united and maniaplanet² players love stadium but do not wish to compet with the crazy stadium only freaks.
plzplzplz admins ET, go back to this plan...That would be so appreciated :)
#2 par Gaétan sur 12/07/2013 à 12:16
I do not agree with you Infar, I think the choice of ET is the best. I am a Canyon player and now a Valley's one, and I did not want to play Stadium in competitions, although I love watching this environment ..
It reminds me of the integration of Stadium in GC United, I found it completely absurd .. (And it is also perhaps because I lost all my points on this environment, idk .. :P)
Remains only to servers that can switch environment, and we'll see ! :)
#3 par oNio sur 12/07/2013 à 15:14
At least it would have been cool, if they would integrate it in the TWL, because then the team has to choose who will drive stadium. in the 1on1 cups i agree with gaetan ofc
#4 par oNio sur 12/07/2013 à 15:14 Modifié 12/07/2013 à 15:15
Say no to doublepost!
#5 par infarctus sur 12/07/2013 à 16:11
At least at TWL yeah, that's what i meant
#6 par rom42 sur 12/07/2013 à 17:25 Modifié 12/07/2013 à 17:41
There are of course pros and cons.

I'd have liked to see the new blocks of TM2S in a league, for instance.

But on the other hand, Stadium has already its own competitions (and a lot). As far as i see it, most of Stadium players prefer to play them than to involve in a multi-environment tournament. And lots of TMU teams don't want to play Stadium. As a consequence, we have seen in the UL (TMUF) lots of TMU teams that recruit a whole TMN team to play the Stadium maps of the UL. It's not really the way it is supposed to work.

Anyway, we'll watch carefully how evolves the demand of TM2 players: if TM2S players want to play multi-environments tournaments, and Canyon/Valley players want to play Stadium as well, this might evolve.

Gaétan: The integration of Stadium in the TMU GC is normal, since Stadium has been included to TMU from the beginning. The only alternative way would be 3 TM1 GCs: TMO, TMS and TMN.

#7 par infarctus sur 13/07/2013 à 11:58 Modifié 13/07/2013 à 11:59
Well, i loved ET's united leagues because of that. They were sorts of messiah that were gathering the 2 communities for a league time. Me and my team paf gaming had a special Stadium line up, and it was so good to play together for one time...I'll really miss this time, and think that ET could have stay in that dynamic, but it seems that it wont happen again and its sad.Only ET pproposed it in the past, and for me its not a good decision to not give us that thing anymore.Plz ET guys, make a poll or something, come back to this decision...At least a poll :S
#8 par rom42 sur 13/07/2013 à 17:41
How much stadium maps did you actually play? It was allways the Stadium guys, anyway... The fact is, adding Stadium gives a strong natural but abusive advantage to TMU teams that have a TMN line-up, and other teams try to merge with TMN teams they don't even know, this latter behaviour leading to an arm race with mercenaries, you know that.
#9 par Gaétan sur 13/07/2013 à 19:04
I completely agree with you Rom, I do not understand your reasoning Infar ... Of course if all the line-ups had a line-up Tmn, choosing intergrer Stadium would not be a question, but this is unfortunately not the case.
Or you decide to do this completely fun competition, with all the line-up who are not mercenaries or Tmn (that would be very fun !), or when you play serious and there is one that will have the best recruit Tmn who wins .. :P
#10 par oNio sur 14/07/2013 à 10:26 Modifié 14/07/2013 à 10:28
so it's diffrent with Valley and Canyon? You are throwing it in the same pot, but it's the same situation with Stadium, maybe teams will integrate complete valley teams, or in the other way canyon teams, to compete in TWL3 then... so your fact isn't rly valuable in this point

in my point of view it's a completly other situation with 3 own physics as there are canyon, valley and stadium, and you can't really refer to the situation stadium had with tmuf, where 6 environments were opposing stadium. i think it would at least worth of trying to integrate stadium, but you didn't even think that this is necessary. nor was there a vote for the community, what u can base your arguments on...

#11 par Laurens sur 14/07/2013 à 11:26
You had to keep everything seperated :S..

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