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Avec l'annonce d'un tournoi 50 slots uniquement réservé à TM² Canyon, de nombreux joueurs s'étaient plaint et dénonçaient l'impossibilité d'avoir autant de participants sur cette seule édition de Trackmania.
L'équipe de la Gamers Assembly semble les avoir écouté puisqu'elle annonce le Tournoi Trackmania All Editions qui permettra aux joueurs de choisir entre Trackmania Nations Forever, Trackmania United Forever ou Trackmania² : Canyon. Cette compétition comportera toujours 50 slots qui seront donc à répartir selon les envies des joueurs.
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Anyway, I hope the main focus will lie on TMNF. It definitely deserves it.
Anyway, it's kind of awesome to hear that United gets its first offline tournament since it was released (which is nearly seven years ago :P). Although I'm not really sure about what will happen or how they'll organise it.
You are of course entitled to your opinion, just as I am. I'm not forcing anyone to think anything, that would be stupid. I played Canyon, and I thought it was an ok game, but that's all it was to me.
And as post #7 so happily points out I mostly just played Canyon because there was some money to win – personally I don't see anything wrong with this. The games I do really enjoy though I keep playing no matter what. Because in those cases, money isn't actually important.
i kinda played it for the money too at first, and how you said, i see nothing wrong with this.
Go TM what-ever-fking-one.
This needs to be clear asap...