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For those who do not know, ManiaLinks are mini-websites in XML format where you can, for example, buy and sell maps, skins... for free or for planets. It includs blogs with ManiaPress, participation in tournaments with the future "Competitions" Manialink of Nadeo... The possibility are important and will evolve in the future, thanks to the community.
We know it can be difficult to find a particular manialink. So Mania-Actu has decided to propose a Community list where everyone can add their manialink, with a description and tags to classify and database it the right way. The list of tags can evolve, do not hesitate to tell us if you think we need to add some or other search options.
The longer the list is complete, the more it will be usefull for the community. So do not hesitate to talk to your friends who create ManiaLinks.
You can find the list in the menu Community / Manialinks or directly here: https://mania-actu.com/eng/manialinks
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#1 by
magnetik on 2013-01-08 at 15:40

Cool :)

#2 by
Gaétan on 2013-01-08 at 18:14

Très bonne idée ça :) !

#3 by
Jonthekiller on 2013-01-09 at 14:44

Now, a random manialink will appear on the sidebar. Only manialinks with a logo can appear.
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