TMM Solo Cup 2012 - NeO Takes The Victory - ManiaActu - News for TrackMania, ShootMania, and QuestMania
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A remarkable number of 144 players signed up to TMM Solo Cup 2012, and after the grand final had been played only 1 player remained undefeated, that player being sk BX3|NeO!

Match-report of the grand final

In the final NeO was up against de dignitas/Massaro Acer|Royal and br dac-SP.knight. During most of the match it was extremely close with only knight falling slightly behind. In the end Massa would become finalist first and had the chance to take it all home. However NeO managed to win the next round which also brought him to a finalist position. What followed then was another very close round between Massa and NeO, but once again the Slovakian was slightly ahead and could take home the victory.

Shortly after Massa could secure his 2nd place, and knight would then make a comeback and take the 3rd place ahead of Royal who after a good start to the final finished 4th.

Results (top 8)

                                                                              1. sk BX3|NeO
                                                                              2. de dignitas/Massa
                                                                              3. br dac-SP.knight
                                                                              4. ro Acer|Royal
                                                                              5. de BX3|JohN
                                                                              5. no GL.Ziggy
                                                                              5. fr Zack
                                                                              5. br 711. Maxil


Live-commentary by Hotrod and Dino:

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#1 by ludo77130 on 2012-12-20 at 15:49
GG Neo :DD
#2 by Wotre on 2012-12-20 at 16:02
gg, great tournament!
#3 by wormi on 2012-12-20 at 23:49

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