Since March this year, the Online Gaming Community, also known as the Smurfs, has been organizing something called "Roundsnight". Soon however, the players has named it the SmurfsCup, and that is the name now adopted by the organisation.
Idea of the SmurfsCup The SmurfsCup is for everyone who likes to drive some rounds in TrackMania 2:Canyon.
Mainly, the cup is meant to be fun for all and competitive for some.
Attracting around 35 players every Saturday evening, this the top-evening for the Smurfsserver.
But the competitive part then?
Besides the "fun for everyone" part, every evening there will be around 8.000 planets given away to the TOP 6 players at the end of 7 maps.
After all the results of the month have been gathered, there will be an extra 8.000 planets award for the TOP 6 of the month.
The planets will be split in these amounts:
1. 4.000 planets
2. 2.000 planets
3. 1.000 planets
4. 600 planets
5. 400 planets
6. 200 planets
Races in December
There will be four races played in the last month of this year: December!
We'll play on 1, 8, 15 and 22 December 2012. The evening will start around 20:00 and will end around 21:15. The SmurfsCup will be driven in rounds on 7 tracks on, which is located in the Netherlands, Noord-Brabant.
You don't have to register anywhere to compete, we simply use your login to pay-out all prizes.
Just show up and you can join and enjoy.
The maps for December:
1) Rachovolker & Chuckie - The Vulture - MX: 21802
2) Cocrex - Powerless - MX: 23465
3) Alex_re - fire in your eyes - MX: 26824
4) Neonova - Delicious - MX: 6087
5) Kamakaze - Flosstradamus - MX: 26294
6) St3ps - Sinister Cinderella - MX: 27076
7) Rastalex - Karma - MX: 26987