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Remember the "Xeres Cross" Server on TM1 ...
For many old players, current ones, Dirt elite ones, it was surely the Server number 1 for train and progress on Xeres's maps, his style stays as a "School" of Dirt.
Our Concept :
First as a tribute, the DoS team create this new server to present first Xeres's maps, from ORC competition, from DoS Endurance competition, and some others.
But MORE, we have the project to feed this particular "style", and encourage mappers to work on it !
A real Dirt "School" model for all level, from beginners to Elite, to make growing up again this so big talent Xeres could share to us.
Some mappers of our community are yet working to create new maps on this style, soon available on the server.
We propose to all talentous mappers to create Dirt maps, inspired by the "Xeres's style" !
model : pure dirty maps, good fluidity, lenght minimum 1.20mn ...
Then, we'll have the pleasure to edit it on the server and propose to our players.
We have opened on our DoS Forum a special subject about our server and about this communication for maps.
You can then write us, and send your creations at our mail address :
Localization : ITALIA / LAZIO
or search "dos"
Rank : 0-70k
Players : 20 - 10 spect
PS : some plugins will be added in a few days :
- messages
- a special one rewarding the podium every race.
- a presentation's page during the maps's uploading
Thanks for sharing the info ... We're waiting for you all on our servers and hope to be able to give a secund life for this "Pure Dirty" Style !
HAVE FUN !!! ;)
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