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![[LIVE] Clam'Arena'13 : Coverage](/img/../uploads/images/images/banners/ClamArena13.png)
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19.48 : After a fire in the wall (!) everybody went out and at this time players come slowly into their computer to launch their game and finish this competition day.
14.47 : MISTRAL won the match with 2 - 1.
14.34 : imG Gaming EU won the second map against MISTRAL 11 - 9. Let's fight for the third map
14.21 : It's time to get back into the game. img Gaming EU against Mistral. You can follow this match on the stream : http://fr.twitch.tv/pandachouw
13.33 : img Gaming won the game 2-0 (9-4 / 12-10). It's time to eat.
13.14 : img Gaming won the first map 9-4 against Audere Semper. Go for the second map!
12.40 : imG Gaming against the Italian team Audere Semper will start in the stream http://fr.twitch.tv/pandachouw
12.22 : Remake won his match against ePz 2 - 0 (9-3 / 9-2)
12.07 : Team imG Gaming won their first match 2 - 0 (9-7 / 9-3)
11.55 : imG Gaming won first map 9 - 7 against NightStorm.
11.41 : imG Gaming EU against NightStorm will be stream in french here : http://fr.twitch.tv/pandachouw
11.36 : The two next matches will start in few minutes. It should be imG Gaming EU against NightStorm and Remake against ePz.
11.19 : PyRoGEN won 2 -0 against Les Tétons Maléfiques (12-10 / 9-5)
11.13 : Epsilon has won his first match 2 - 0 (9-4 / 9-4) against ePz
11.07 : First matchs of ShootMania has start. We will keep you updated about the results in this news.
Welcome to Clamart for the Clam'Arena'13 on ShootMania. Discover a coverage in this news and the list of the teams :
PyRoGEN (Hybr1d, sprco, qUAkO)
Epsilon (s7, Sephis, thek1ng)
MISTRAL (moonL, XSOO, kryw)
img Gaming (evl, kallenge, SIMOON)
img Gaming EU (nAka, Platernity, SeeDs)
eternal Playerz (Ludo, Diq, Dkalko)
Audere Semper (bRambiShow, Shuuz!, Rbwxz)
supa galactic monkeys (tomdevil, achounay, lastoo)
Night Storm (AZUMMA, Tircon, Gearmat)
oRIGIN (soZ, xenome, DozX)
Les Tétons Maléfiques (aKm, Butch3r, Hqrdest)
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