Results of the new Elite Mappack - ManiaActu - News for TrackMania, ShootMania, and QuestMania
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Up: The vote is finished. The 5 new maps are Gunner's dream, Valley of the damned, Tilt Pro, Old Sun and Radiance.

You can download the new maps HERE.

Hi all !!!

The day for you to vote for the new Elite Mappack has arrived! In partnership with ESL, and Drakonia just prepared a list of 9 new maps that you can test on one of the servers provided by Drakonia:


During the first part of the vote, you decided to keep Collided, Paladin 2k13, Rust and Spitfire. Now it's the time to choose the 5 maps to add in this list. You can vote from now until the 26th January 21h CET.


New maps:

  • Battlefield
  • Castle of sir Fetherstone
  • Factory
  • Gunner's dream
  • Microwave
  • Old sun
  • Radiance
  • Tilt Pro
  • Valley of the damned

Old maps keeped:

  • Collided
  • Paladin 2k13
  • Rust
  • Spitfire


The polls:

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#21 by wabbitface on 2014-01-17 at 17:18
All mappers have the chance to explain with the testers why they think their map is better than others during the Testing period explaining the basic concept of their map.

Kryw what you said is pretty offensive and I would suggest if you test maps yourself to get a better idea of what submissions were made and use that 'expert opinion' of yours - If you care that much about the map pool.

#22 by KlausiDeluxe on 2014-01-17 at 17:53
yeah i also miss iron and Castle2...
#23 by Kryw on 2014-01-17 at 22:26 Modified 2014-01-17 at 22:28
Ironfist ? Really boring map : spam spam spam camp camp camp
Castle2 u can put the Attaker spawn in front of the def spawn its the same map

#21 and wabbit yes i'm aggressive because i'm really bored by shitty map everytimes since 2 years

#24 by wabbitface on 2014-01-18 at 03:30
#23 kryw how about you write up a guide about how you create maps, me and I'm sure many others would like to learn more about how to make competitive maps. Sharing information is key if we want better maps to come out. Please add to my earlier post:
#25 by killaprodtm on 2014-01-18 at 14:24
I would say Deal With It, instead of finding arguments against these maps. It's human nature to be either pissed about yourself not beeing good on that map or it is just beeing mad that your maps dont get picked. Remember; everyone plays on the same map with the exact same difficulties. Your own skill decides the match, not the map.

Having a map-building community is good, but for keeping it equal everyone should get a chance to have a good elite map.

And again, senseless conflicts like this split the community even more into 2 groups; the ones who believe that only holy official maps are "playable" and the ones who believe in the community. The truth is, there is no "mapping elite". There are more than just a hand full good maps out there.

Some time ago we had a community elite server and it ran pretty well with community maps. More than half of the people liked the idea of community maps, while some wannabe professionals played a map for 2 rounds and concluded it sucked (because they were obviously not good), while most of the community maps can actually demand specific skills (orientation, speed, aim, hearing).

Just my 2 cents.

#26 by Kryw on 2014-01-18 at 16:51
#24 good idea for guide
#27 by basbaas on 2014-01-20 at 16:06
You can't just propose a mappack like that in the comments, it's way too late for that. The testers have spent lots of time on making a selection. If you don't like it, you should have just joined the testers and gave feedback to the builders yourself so they'd be able to improve.
#28 by Kryw on 2014-01-21 at 01:28
spend what ? Only 6 testers have chosen 9 randoms maps
and i can't join drakonia server cuz jonkiller is too lazy to unblacklist me gg to him again !!
#29 by Josh on 2014-01-23 at 17:19
Stop rage cuz your maps aren't.
Make sure u test them next time...
#30 by iblack on 2014-01-23 at 18:21 Modified 2014-01-23 at 20:13
Kryw, to be honest I don't like your new maps. Get over it. This is the way how we choose maps.
Like-vote for
Don't like-no vote.
Maybe next time.
Let other people create the maps for the official pools. You are not the only guy who creates the maps.
#31 by wabbitface on 2014-01-23 at 20:07 Modified 2014-01-23 at 20:15
Kryw - spend what ? Only 6 testers have chosen 9 randoms maps
and i can't join drakonia server cuz jonkiller is too lazy to unblacklist me gg to him again !!
The drakonia server is not the only server that has the poll maps, many other servers also include these maps. Get off your arse, stop complaining and ask around to join a server with the maps installed and stop being a f****** baby
#32 by Josh on 2014-01-23 at 20:10
Wabbit sayd the "F" WORD O.O
Holy crap save that ! *date 23/01/2014*
#33 by Koopa on 2014-01-26 at 22:47
Hello guys :)
I have a new map Elite-BliGht-> autor:mablllo or 8859.
Too many people love this map :)
It is a beautiful map +++ can we add her on the mappack ?
Big Thx :D <3 Koopa *See you later*
#34 by Josh on 2014-01-27 at 09:24
It's not possible for this anymore. You can send it in for the next mappack if there is coming another one.
#35 by dreammyw0w on 2014-01-27 at 11:37 Modified 2014-01-27 at 11:37
Will ESL, LGZ & KRAZY have these maps during this weeks cups and future cups?
#36 by Koopa on 2014-01-27 at 16:10
Thx Josh !
When is the next mappack ?
#37 by abLaze on 2014-01-28 at 06:05
+1 for Swift!
#38 by Joader on 2014-01-28 at 09:00
in the end its the same as with the eswc map pool, as soon as we adapted, kryw will be heared and all our training will be for nothing, not gonna play these maps for the next week or so :PP
+1 for Swift though as it is one of the best maps imo
#39 by Josh on 2014-01-28 at 09:12
No idea, I asked John before but he wasn't sure if there is coming a new mappack because they weren't enough active testers for this mappack. :s

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