Elite mappack released - ManiaActu - News for TrackMania, ShootMania, and QuestMania
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After few weeks or voting the maps with the poll system it's now time to release the official mappack created with Drakonia, Mania-Actu and ESL.

As we stated in the rules we got 6 new maps and 3 maps from IPL mappack.
We would like to inform you that in case of draw in the poll, the admins will choose the map to add in the mappack.

The results

This is the list of the new mappack :

  • TheCastle2
  • Paladin 2k13
  • Escalation
  • CloudLight
  • Dawnville v3
  • DawnOfTheHeroes
  • Spitfire
  • IronFist
  • Rust



In order to present you those new maps we have made a video which present you the mappack.


Special Thanks and other stuff

The whole staff would like to thanks each of you who vote to the chose the new mappack and the one who helped us to make this list.
We remind you that you can always send your maps at for the next mappack.
If you want to test the maps to make the list for the players, feel free to use the same mail for sending the maps.

To finish this is the new schedule for the next mappack :

  • 1st may : end of submission for the next mappack
  • 15th may : first preselection of the maps by the admins and the volunteers.
  • 1st june : end of the preselection according to the feedbacks given by the admins/players
  • 8th june : beginning of the poll
  • 29th june : end of the poll
  • 1st july : release of the mappack.

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#1 by Diesel75 on 2013-04-11 at 20:27
52 vote spitfire / 47 vote Ironfist il y en a vraiment qui ont de la mierda dans les yeux...
Sinon les nouvelles maps sont simpa :)
#2 by Gearmart on 2013-04-11 at 20:52
non mais serieux c'est une blague la ?????

déjà pala 2 et castle 2 ....
est les autre la moitié est nul ...

prochain map pool

DawnOfTheHeroes 2
CloudLight 2013

#3 by Jonthekiller on 2013-04-11 at 21:33
Tout dépend des maps que l'on reçoit. Pour ce premier mappack, la qualité n'était pas au rendez-vous. Je pense qu'elle va s'améliorer dans le temps et permettre plus de diversité.

Nous essayons aussi d'améliorer le système pour améliorer la qualité avec maintenant une modification d'une liste de maps avant de les soumettre aux votes.

#4 by azumma on 2013-04-11 at 22:19
TheCastle2 -> Eclypse
Paladin 2k13 -> Paladin
Dawnville v3
DawnOfTheHeroes -> Adventure

LA il aurait un bon map pool

#5 by Rubistyle on 2013-04-11 at 23:05
thecaslte et paladin 2k13 bad
#6 by Gearmart on 2013-04-11 at 23:44
+1 :D
#7 by kRi on 2013-04-11 at 23:44
Aller c'est parti.
Que des map de merde, la iron fist fuck*ng map ou tout les defenseurs son proches et se planque derrière les grilles et spam comme des malades quand le rail est tiré.

Des map geante avec des grapin des bleus et des bump partout ? mdr, sérieux quoi, qu'est ce qu'il va se passer ? 3 défenseurs au pole. 2% de la surface de la map joué.

Et pour couronner le tout, une the castle, une paladin avec 1 ou 2 petit changements bidons qui ne légitime mais vraiment pas du tout leur présence.

#8 by sKiLoU on 2013-04-12 at 02:27
Ui pas top le mappool mais pour le moment mais sa ferat la transition avec un nouveaux car avec les news blocs etc sa peut offrir de good perspective !
#9 by dovahk1n on 2013-04-12 at 10:19
C'est marrant que paladin 2012 ait eu peu de votes et paladin 2k13 beaucoup alors que les deux maps ne changent vraiment pas beaucoup.
Par contre Daybreak pas dans le mappool, je trouve ça assez bisard, je me demande du coup qui a voté. Et je sais que beaucoup de joueurs auraient aimé voir Eclypse et Adventure fin bon, plus que 4 mois à attendre.
#10 by azumma on 2013-04-12 at 12:08
plus qu'a arrete Elite et passe sur combo power
#11 by numero9 on 2013-04-12 at 17:48
franchement ... ce mappack est vraiment pas terrible.
ROTAZE par exemple est une map vraiment bien.
#12 by platernity on 2013-04-12 at 20:54
c'est fou a quel point les votes ne representent pas les commentaires xD
y'a un serpent dans la botte!
#13 by platernity on 2013-04-13 at 02:45
I was so disapointed of the new mappool that i created a new map with thinking about 5 rules:
1) An open Pole easy to attack (So pole def is impossibble)
2) a 2 way opening, so defense has to move but difficult to pass by
3) a highground accessible from behind the defense or with difficult and risky walljumps
4) an almost useless way to go but totally suprising when used
5) a story to tell, something that makes it clearly a map that every one can recognize

I hope more and more will apply those rules !

Here is the map :

The map need to be tested and is not the final version.
Send any recommendations/changes to platernity@hotmail.fr

And please mania-actu, remake the pool ..... And maybe make more an election of map tester, and those tester will choose the maps !
Thats how democratie works :D
And like that not every one that has no idea of elite competition can make a complete mess in our beloved mappools !

Greets Platernity

#14 by Gearmart on 2013-04-13 at 15:13
"y'a un serpent dans la botte!"

"Il y a un serpent dans ma botte"
si je me souviens bien :D


#15 by Gearmart on 2013-04-13 at 15:20
il n'y a pas eu une phase de beta test pour modification des map ???
#16 by Kyb on 2013-04-13 at 21:01
Non, mais c'est prevu pour le prochain map pool.
#17 by Suricate on 2013-04-14 at 20:05

Non je deconne, map sans histoire, sans personalités. Juste un amas de block avec deux spawn et un goal. Sans parler des remakes foireux.

#18 by platernity on 2013-04-14 at 20:18
Guys can we just remake it ? even esl didnt apply it today. I think for a good reason.
the same system but everybody vote for 6 testers not for maps. Then the maps are chosen, then the Mappers are contacted to change things the tester saw if needed.

That will give quality for the pool!

For all those who are on my side and want a new mappool give a +1 ! We make a petition !

#19 by Suricate on 2013-04-14 at 20:22
+1 ... +1000
#20 by twojstary123 on 2013-04-14 at 20:24
+1 and i think to new mappoll add 3 new maps and 6 old maps

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