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We gave you the time and the opportunity to vote on the servers to chose your maps for the Masters 2013 and the Gamers Assembly by the same way.
It's now the time to reveal you the list of the maps used by the Masters in Trackmania² Canyon & Trackmania² Stadium.
Ready ? Fire ? Train !
Trackmania² Canyon
Here we go with the list of the maps for TM² Canyon :
If you want to download the mappack just click here!
A server is available here : maniaplanet://#join=maniaactu1@TMCanyon
TrackMania² Stadium
Now we will release the mappack for TM² Stadium :
You want to download it ? Easy just click here!
A server is available here : maniaplanet://#join=maniaactu2@TMStadium
It's now time to train the mappack for the competitions and especially the Gamers Assembly.
>> News Tools
You can find my map on MX ;)
GL HF guys !
Stadium 2 :
TA = maniaplanet://#join=ii-stad3@TMStadium
Rounds = maniaplanet://#join=ii-stad4@TMStadium
Canyon :
TA = maniaplanet://#join=ii-canyon1@TMCanyon
Rounds = maniaplanet://#join=ii-canyon2@TMCanyon
Bon train ;)